Flavoured Spirit Recipes
Chocolate Martini
Chocolate Martini is a delicious cocktail that combines the flavors of chocolate and vodka, often with the addition of cream or other liqueurs for richness. Here's a basic recipe for...
Bellini is a classic cocktail originating from Italy, known for its refreshing and sweet taste. It's made from a mixture of prosecco (Italian sparkling wine) and peach juice. Here's the...
Kamikaze is a cocktail consisting of a mix of vodka, triple sec liqueur, and fresh lemon juice. It's a refreshing and potent cocktail, well-known in the world of mixology. Here's...
Long Island Iced Tea
Long Island Iced Tea is a cocktail famous for its strength and complex flavor profile. Despite its name containing "tea," this cocktail actually contains no tea at all. A mixture...
Espresso Martini
Espresso Martini is a cocktail consisting of espresso coffee mixed with vodka, coffee liqueur, and sugar syrup, usually served in a martini glass. It's a strong drink with a rich...
Bloody Mary
Bloody Mary is a cocktail known for its spicy, savory, and aromatic flavor, made from a blend of vodka, tomato juice, lemon juice, tomato sauce, hot sauce, and various seasonings....
A Gimlet is a classic cocktail known for its simplicity and refreshing taste. It's traditionally made with gin and lime juice, often sweetened with a touch of simple syrup or...
Screwdriver is a simple yet refreshing cocktail made with just two ingredients: vodka and orange juice. It's a classic drink that's perfect for brunch or any time you're in the...
Pornstar Martini
The Pornstar Martini is a modern and popular cocktail known for its sweet and fruity flavor with a hint of tartness. It's typically made with vanilla vodka, passion fruit liqueur,...
Cosmopolitan, often referred to as a "Cosmo," is a popular cocktail known for its vibrant pink color and refreshing taste. It's made with vodka, triple sec (orange liqueur), cranberry juice,...
White Russian
A White Russian is a classic cocktail known for its creamy and smooth taste. It's made with vodka, coffee liqueur, and cream or milk, typically served over ice in an...
Moscow Mule
Moscow Mule is a refreshing and aromatic cocktail made with vodka, ginger beer, and fresh lime juice. It's often served in a special copper mug known as a "Moscow Mule...