Bee's Knees | Minumjek


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Bee's Knees

Bee's Knees

Bee's Knees is a classic cocktail made with gin, honey, and lemon juice. Here's the Bee's Knees.


  • 2 ounces (60 ml) gin
  • ¾ ounce (22.5 ml) honey syrup (equal parts honey and hot water, stirred until dissolved)
  • ¾ ounce (22.5 ml) fresh lemon juice
  • Ice cubes



  1. Prepare a cocktail shaker and fill it with ice cubes.
  2. Pour gin, honey syrup, and fresh lemon juice into the shaker.
  3. Shake the mixture well to thoroughly blend all the ingredients.
  4. Strain the cocktail mixture into a prepared serving glass.
  5. Serve immediately with a lemon twist or garnish of your choice.

Bee's Knees is a refreshing cocktail with the clean taste of gin, the sweetness of honey, and the tartness of lemon juice. Enjoy this classic cocktail with friends or as a pick-me-up drink. Cheers!

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